Canada Post - Sell Online Developer's Site
Implementation Instructions for the Sell Online Shipping Module
Standard XML version


Sell Online Solutions can be found by visiting our home page. (

Feature: Standard Features


The consumer will be given the choice of delivery speeds. Your consumer can be offered a choice of shipping costs and delivery dates. The Sell Online application will return a list of choices for the consumer. The Sell Online application will select a box from the list of boxes in the merchant's shipping profile to minimize the size of the box used for shipping and this will ensure the lowest shipping cost is calculated. The box description should be passed to the person packing the parcel.


Implementation Instructions:

Development team please follow these instructions.

  1. The commerce application being used by your store will have to change. Can you change the application code?
  2. Request a shipping profile account from
  3. Sample transaction from Browser (httpinterface.html)
  4. Our recommended communication method is an HTTP Post with XML.
  5. Build the script in your commerce application to provide the needed data for the HTTP Post.
  6. Pickup the DTD from (eparcel.dtd)
  7. Post the form to the Sell Online server, receive response from Sell Online
  8. Parse the results from XML for display to the consumer
  9. Capture the consumer selection and pass the information returned by Sell Online to the group preparing the parcels for shipment.
  10. Identify the box selection to the parcel preparation group.
  11. Print Shipping label with the shipping speed choosen.
  12. Test the integration for each of the possible results including the error messages. See Developers site for test cases.(developersresources/index.html)
Note for Developers: